Tutorial - Grow & Thrive
How to Track Visitors Behavior for FREE
Category: Link & Grow,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

I’ve been doing many campaigns and scouting portals where I can market this same product membership. Adding eventually more traffic and everything but I didnt know what my users did inside the Landing, where they scrolled or clicked.

I was seriously thinking on getting a Tool like CrazyEgg or something else, but then I found Yandex Metrica which has some pretty cool features that will help you gain more insights of what to improve on landings to increase conversions.

Here I made a quick video showing a tool I was very impressed with, you can see everything a visitor did on the page:

Besides it also has a tracker to watch how your Conversion Rate behaves on the page you add the Yandex code to. Here is my Form conversion rate:

It’s really nice that it also tracks this so we can compare different landing pages and select those that have better Form conversion for Leads.

It also has some other features like gathering the overall clicks that users give to the screen. Its like the “confetti” tool.

Along with many integrations on the system:

I will update you all if I find more tips on using this platform.

How to activate SMTP sending on GSuite and use it with Link&Grow
Category: Google,Link & Grow,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

Activate SMTP sending on your GSuite account can be a pain, but here we gathered a simple 3 Steps guide to activate them right now.

Sign into your Google Account and go to: https://myaccount.google.com/

1.- Go to Security.

Go to your settings, and then to Security.

2.- Scroll down and click on “Turn on access” in the “Less secure app access” panel:

Then go to Less secure app access and click on Turn on access.

3. Finally just click the Toggle so it is blue.

This tutorial is on the Free eBook at: https://ebook.growthrive.net

Getting Airbnb property owners contact data for business
Category: Airbnb,Data Extraction,Link & Grow,Networks,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 5 years ago Comments: 0

Airbnb has been affected by the pandemic, many owners have stopped getting customers and visitors and this might be a great opportunity for many real estate agents or investors. That’s a fact, from every crisis, many big corporations have born along with history.

Having contact data such as Listing URL, Email, Phone and Description from property owners or people listing their homes is something ideal for doing some cold calling or approach to them for different kind of offers.

Here you have an example on how you can get the data that I offer you for testing:

The download link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZSofev6pWMrXsiByK_ISJn8dn2NL-i01gUL2UtB7ZXk

But like an old proverb says ” if you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn.” So I am going to teach you how to get this data:

1.- Identify the important keywords to scan. If you are looking for houses just remain with that keyword plus other details like: 2 floors house, entire house, house + 2 floors, house + bedroom, etc. Try thinking all alternations to get plenty of data.
NOTE: they wont repeat since if it is the same URL it wont get stored in the database.

2.- Identify the locations for them, for example: New York + United States. Make sure to add the country since if you search only for New York, remember there are streets in other countries named after New York.

3.- Now, mix the keyword and the places such as:
2 floors house + New York + United States
entire house + New York + United States
house + 2 floors + New York + United States
house + bedroom + New York + United States

4.- Finally, make sure to set a custom domain and type:
Then just click RUN and see the magic happen 🙂

Scrape business Emails and Phones from LinkedIn Profiles
Category: Data Extraction,Link & Grow,LinkedIn,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 5 years ago Comments: 0

Many have requested about getting business emails instead of free email patterns such as @gmail.com, @hotmail.co.uk, @yahoo.com, etc. So they want emails from business domains like alan.tu@turingtech.com or such, where you dont have all those anti-SPAM filters, or where you can get more information about that lead visiting their business domain.

This is totally doable using Google commands and booleans properly, we will cover step by step how to do this in this video:

So, remember you have to use the:
custom_pattern option in order to activate option contact_patterns on the Config tab.

This is the boolean as you have to put it:
site:linkedin.com/in + “Email me at:” OR “Email me” OR “Send me an email” OR “Contact me at”

So the important thing here is that you know you will be adding Keywords on the Leads tab, so you can input line by line several keyword combinations that will combine with the contact_patterns option, which if you put a comma and input another pattern, you will be multiplying all search x2. And if you input a third pattern separated by a comma, you will be multiplying by 3x. This means you will find more patterns using Google search commands.

You can do the experiment adding this instead of the first contact pattern that uses OR boolean:
site:linkedin.com/in + “Email me at:”, site:linkedin.com/in + “Email me”, site:linkedin.com/in + “Send me an email”, site:linkedin.com/in + “Contact me at”

This means you are setting Four(4) different searches, which if you input 4 Keywords on your leads tab, you will create 8 different combinations that will result in a possible 16 x 500 = 8,000 possible leads.

Go ahead an experiment using ScraperAPI, you will get about 80 requests on that experiment if you have google_deepness = 5, but don’t worry, ScraperAPI offers you 5,000 free requests.

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