tutorial - Grow & Thrive
The cold emailing strategy that made me answer on the first try
Category: Cold emailing,Link & Grow,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 3 years ago Comments: 0

Hello everyone, long time no posting, but not because inactivity. We have been working on a lot of great updates that will improve the UX/GUI and functions in the web application + Guided tour with videos.

The topic will show this guy that make me respond really fast then just by finding they can improve the ad and they offer me that service.

I answered like. “Of course! Ask anything”
And he responded…

Don’t you think that is an amazing strategy?

Now you can mass scrape many Ads on Google with our tool on the membership site. Access FREE for 7 Days.

Gmail Free and GSuite sending limits
Category: Cold emailing,Link & Grow Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

Everybody that is doing cold emailing needs to adjust to some policies and narrow all the audience to reduce the sendings so you don’t have problems with your email reputation.

That’s why we would recommend to adjust your sendings to the terms that you can find here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/166852?hl=en
Try counting the automatic follow-ups so you dont bypass them.

  • Free Gmail limits you to send 500 emails per day on the web interface.
  • Free Gmail limits using external clients SMTP is 100 per day. (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
  • GSuite will allow you to send 2,000 emails per day.

Simple as that, do not exceed if you don’t want your account suspended. If you are using Link&Grow desktop version make sure to verify the emails and then enrich them to narrow all the audience and just send about 20-250 emails per day.

Limit typeLimit
Messages per day
Daily sending limit*
2,000 (500 for trial accounts)
Messages auto-forwarded
Messages automatically forwarded to another account, not included in the daily sending limit
Auto-forward mail filters
Account filters that automatically forward mail
Recipients per message
Addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of a single email*
2,000 total per message
(maximum of 500 external recipients)
Recipients per message sent via SMTP (by POP or IMAP users) or the Gmail API
Addresses in the ToCc, and Bcc fields of a single email. Includes email sent using smtp-relay.gmail.com or smtp.gmail.com*
Total recipients per day
Email addresses (recipients) count each time a message is sent; 5 emails sent to 10 addresses count as 50 total recipients.*
External recipients per day
Email addresses outside your primary domain, including domain aliases and alternate domains
Unique recipients per day
Each email address (each unique recipient) counts only once per day:5 emails sent to 10 different addresses count as 10 unique recipients*5 emails sent to a single address count as 1 unique recipient*
3,000 (2,000 external, 500 external for trial accounts)

*Applies to internal and external recipients

How to create your own configurations to scrape any network using Data Extractor tab in Link&Grow
Category: Data Extraction,Link & Grow,Networks Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

With the Data Extraction tab, you will be able to create a scraper for any network you want. Just specify a domain and all the XPaths to achieve what you are looking for on specific columns, then you can apply to get new data from Search Engines, Use scraped leads from Leads tab or use internal network search.
We will set many case studies so you know how to configure, but you could add Instagram and extract followers, following, bio, number of posts and name. Sky is the limit, user will be able to expand however they like.

Here is a little explanation on how it works:

This other tutorial shows how it works for Yellowpages:

This other video tutorial will show you how to configure Foursquare network from scratch, finding listing URL patterns for getting results from Search Engines, getting XPath for custom fields into Company table and more:

And finally this one will show you how to set up to scrape Instagram profiles with all full info that you configure in order to select prospects and create Email campaigns properly.

Hopefully this gives you a very good insight on how Data Extractor works, if you have any question please feel free to leave a comment.

How to use Lead tab section to scrape with API method from Hunter.io
Category: Data Extraction,Link & Grow Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

This is a new feature that will allow you to discover leads directly from employees on any domain. This might be very useful for many people that later can apply the Pipl API to get deep information from those custom emails or phone numbers.

In this tutorial, you will find how to configure Hunter.io but it will include other API such as Snov.io and many others more so you can gather information and enrich with the Data Extractor tab. Everything is designed to improve on new versions depending on user suggestions and community analysis.