Networks - Grow & Thrive
METHOD: How to get 80 Opt-in in 7 hours FREE with Reddit
Category: Link & Grow,Data Extraction,Email Marketing,LinkedIn,Premium,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 3 years ago Comments: 0

In this tutorial I will expose a method I used and got 80 opt-in Emails in 7 hours with only your membership that will save hundreds on ads.

1.- I extracted emails from specific niche and orientation.
In this case Angel Investors from all around the world.
I used Link&Grow Desktop version with this set of keywords:

Just add keywords like I did but with your Industry or purpose.

If don’t have the tool you can download the Free Trial here:

2.- Create an Opt-in Like I did in the page:
You can use our HTML Builder to modify and upload on your server, we are going to add this template there so you can download and apply.

Nice and to the point Landing page.

3.- Create an Email List in your Emailing list.
If you don’t have access to it, please contact on a Ticket Support so we can configure your account manually. You will have forever a tool that manage this for you, but you will need to use your own Amazon SES account.
Or you can use your own List in Mailchimp, ConstantContact, Aweber or whatever you have.

In our sendy instance we created this list and then configured.

4.- Configure your List to Send Email with Download Link.
First you need to go to your List Settings:

Then you mark to send a Welcome Email after subscribing, where you add your download link and also the promotion about your product with Inbound content of your Blog posts guides like this one.

There we add a welcome email and give the link. Also we add our blog posts to help more on this journey.

This is the full Email we send when they opt-in:

Thank you for confirming your email [Name]...

Here is the link to access:

Here are some guides that might come to use to you before contacting them.

Probably you might need a strategy to approach and contact them. You can learn how to import them as contacts into your Linkedin Network.
Try cold emailing strategies using GMass:
Connect a CRM with your Cold Emailing campaigns and Hubspot:
Or sending them SMS with our Software and Twilio:
Learn how to Scrape Emails from Facebook Groups:
And more in our official blog:

You can scrape your own data with our tools and guides:

We accept Paypal, Stripe, Google Pay, and all kinds of Cryptos.

Grow & Thrive Software team.

And this is how it looks in my Gmail:

5.- Now you have to add your Method POST Subscribe Link and List ID.
You can do this with the Subscribe Form Link:

There you have to watch the the ID of the List and the input for variables you send, in this case is just name and Email, a List defaults.

So here is the code, I will mark what is important to change. Also make sure to leave the class styles on the Template on the HTML Builder.

<form action="" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
	<label for="name">Name</label><br/>
	<input type="text" name="name" id="name"/>
	<label for="email">Email</label><br/>
	<input type="email" name="email" id="email"/><br/><div style="display:none;">
	<label for="hp">HP</label><br/>
	<input type="text" name="hp" id="hp"/>
	<input type="hidden" name="list" value="sLLVeaLIZ9UGeNtGa892jlFg"/>
	<input type="hidden" name="subform" value="yes"/>
	<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit"/>

There, the name=”list”, you need to put the value of your list.

6.- You are ready to promote.
Find a way of doing Inbound promotion without being SPAMMY. I got 2 Posts on Reddit, one got closed. I thought I was creating discussion and seem I didn’t break any rule, but this mods nowadays :/

Its the problem, we won’t spam them, is to increase Linkedin Network.

And the other post that still remains:

So that steps helped me doing 80 Opt-in Emails in 7 hours. You need to apply your strategy on different niches. Maybe you will have difficulties but don’t hesitate to ask us in the Forums, you have support on the paying community.

How to Extract Emails from Facebook Groups
Category: Data Extraction,Facebook,Link & Grow Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

Here is how you can use Link & Grow to extract contacts from multiple Facebook Groups around the web-based on specific keywords.

You can set a bit list of keywords to mix and get plenty of contacts that you can set into a Facebook Ads Custom Audience or verifying the emails before sending a cold emailing campaign with automatic follow-ups to do things like growing a list or joining another FB group.

Here is a quick step by step guide:

If you need to scrape specific groups, that will be possible on the Automator tab when we finish it on our developer roadmap.

We will be creating a Roadmap page so you can see what is upcoming.

How to connect Gmail with Hubspot CRM
Category: CRM,Email Marketing,Google,Link & Grow Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

This is a brief guide on how to make connection between your Gmail on GSuite(or Free) with Hubspot. Its quite simple and we will list all available features for this.

Key Benefits

  • Log emails sent from Gmail in HubSpot CRM with one click.
  • Track email opens and clicks in real time.
  • Get access to the tools you need to work more efficiently — like templates, sequences, meetings, and more — right in your inbox.

Connect your Gmail account

Please note: if you connect a Gmail inbox that has an alias set up, that alias will show up automatically in the From dropdown menu in the email composer. The alias must be set up in your Gmail account before you connect your inbox.

If you have Google’s Advanced Protection Program enabled in your Gmail account, you can’t connect your inbox to HubSpot.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon settings in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations Email integrations.
  • Click Connect personal email.
  • Select Google / Gmail.
  • Read through what to expect when you connect your Gmail inbox to HubSpot, then click Continue.
  • You’ll be prompted to log in to your Gmail account. Enter the email address of the Google account you want to use. If you’re already logged into one or more of your Gmail accounts, choose the account you want to connect.
  • Review the required permissions, then click Allow.
  • You’ll be redirected back to your settings, and a dialog box will appear to inform you that your Gmail inbox is now connected to HubSpot.

Keep reading the complete guide here:

How to activate SMTP sending on GSuite and use it with Link&Grow
Category: Google,Link & Grow,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

Activate SMTP sending on your GSuite account can be a pain, but here we gathered a simple 3 Steps guide to activate them right now.

Sign into your Google Account and go to:

1.- Go to Security.

Go to your settings, and then to Security.

2.- Scroll down and click on “Turn on access” in the “Less secure app access” panel:

Then go to Less secure app access and click on Turn on access.

3. Finally just click the Toggle so it is blue.

This tutorial is on the Free eBook at:

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