Foursquare - Grow & Thrive
How to configure Data Extractor to scrape Foursquare full info on Link&Grow
Category: Data Extraction,Foursquare,Link & Grow,Tutorial Author: dreadpixel Date: 4 years ago Comments: 0

So you want to get deeper into getting another type of leads. You want to grab probably some fields that are not included in other networks like number of reviews, or address, phone number, etc.

In this tutorial, we will see how to detect the URL pattern so we detect which is the precise endpoint for individual listings so we can use it on the search. Then, go step by step finding XPaths using Chrome Inspector and pasting when creating a new custom domain on the Data Extractor tab.
Here is the video showing step by step:

As you can see, we are not using plain domain cause that is wider, we will have to use the profile endpoint which in this case is which might probably change in some months, or probably won’t.
What we want you to know is that you learn to search so you can adapt to any network and monetize this system for your ROI.