Setting Up Proxies in Data Extractor

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Setting Up Proxies in Data Extractor

    • mick
      Topics: 5
      Replies: 5

      I have a Linkedin Profile and Proxy.

      I have entered the account and proxy into Accounts. Where are these used?

      When i go into data extractor I see a login.

      How do get my proxy to work?




    • dreadpixel
      Topics: 14
      Replies: 21

      After you ad Proxies in account, you have to go to Config tab.
      On config tab find the proxies section, then:
      usage: on
      tor: off

      And that will turn proxy usage on.
      You can also activate tor, but first you have to Download tor browser and open it so it starts casting the tor network.

    • mick
      Topics: 5
      Replies: 5

      How do choose which proxy. What if I have 5 proxies for 5 accounts?

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